Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Syrian Genocide!

"What is happening in Syria is not a civil war but a genocide  a war of extermination with a licence to kill by the Syrian government and the international community." The emir of Qatar said to the official Qatar news agency. His reason for this remark is because of a four day cease fire that failed to come into action during a Muslim holiday, this left hundreds dead. The Syrian government promised to only fight if there is opposition on the ground, unfortunately a civilian was in the wrong place at the wrong time with his gun and this started another shoot out favoring the Syrian forces. A group who record all of the casualties announced 407 were killed during the "cease-fire." According to Syrian officials 61 people died during the fight.

And just so you know how things are looking for the civilians fighting for their lives;
Total fatalities: 34,913
Syrian forces fatalities: 2,900
8%Civilian "forces" fatalities: 32,013 <This is genocide!


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Syrian affect on Lebanon

When you think of the Syrian civil war you think of Syria, but with recent violent protests in countries such as  Lebanon people have noticed that the war seems to be spreading. Supporters of Wissam al-Hassan (the head of Lebanese intelligence) say the Syrian government was responsible for a car bomb attack that killed Wissam and his bodyguard, their reason for this attack is Wissam was a Sunni who challenged Syria and its very powerful Lebanese ally. Enraged by his death anti-Asssad (Syrian Leader) protesters tried to storm government buildings but were pushed back by soldiers.

On the streets of Lebanon troops had armored personnel carriers (APCs) with heavy machine guns to stop the protests, they began exchanging gunfire with Sunni gunmen. "If there is more violence that is linked to Syria, that fuels fear that Lebanon could descend once again into violence." This really made me see how war in one country could cause another to descend into a violent state. Some even say Lebanon might join in the Syrian civil war which would not be good for freedom in these countries.


What the riots in Lebanon look like.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Rebels will do anything for help

A questionable rebel jihad group who are believed to have ties to al Qaeda fought along side the Syrian rebels to seize a government missile defense base in Syria on Friday, activists said. The rebels seized the base on Friday night, the rebels don't seem to be alone though, the Al Qaeda and jihad forces seem to be playing a major role in the Syrian rebels weapons and helping them capture government sites to gain power. The reason they are trying to focus on air bases is because planes and helicopters are two of few things that the rebels can't do anything about, the only thing they can do is taking bases to minimize government air assaults on Syrian villages. The problems that the villagers face is since the rebels don't have an anti-air force they have to accept the Syrian president or have their homes burned to the ground.


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Syrian Chemical Weapons

The US has recently discovered that Syrian forces are in possession of a chemical weapon stockpile. The rebels have been focusing much of their strength on capturing these locations to obtain the weapons of destruction. US special forces have been monitoring these sites in order to prevent anything bad that could happen if the weapons became active. Even though we are aiding the rebels, it would be catastrophic if they got a hold of the weapons because they are extremists and will use them on government controlled cities to help their cause but it would kill thousands. if the weapons were to be used then the US and Jordan would launch a swift and precise military attack, the Syrian president understands this which makes this situation risky.


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Syrian car bombings

An attack was launched in Aleppo's Saadallah Al-Jabiri square this morning in Syria. The attack involved 3 car bombs targeting several Syrian government officials. 40 people are dead and 90 are injured most of the casualties were civilians according to the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights, the opposition group said most were government officials, we don't exactly know who is telling the truth. The Syrian state-run TV aired footage and claimed 25 were dead and 75 injured.

A fourth car bomb was detonated at the Aleppo's chamber of commerce, the blasts focus around Aleppo because it is a very large city and a commercial hub, this city has somewhat become a battle ground between  government forces and the "rebels." The city helps President al-Assad's financial gain and if the rebels were to take over the entire city it would destroy 4 decades of al-Assad family rule. Since the uprising began in March 2011 over 28,000 people total have lost their lives.

As you would imagine many are left without homes, this has caused a major refugee problem for countries aiding them. over 300,000 people are registered refugees and Turkey is doing all they can to get materials to make tents but can't help all of them so the UK decided to go to Turkey and help with the problem.
