Monday, December 17, 2012

The walking undead

Chapter 1
It was Thursday on December 20 11:30 PM. I was driving through Sister Bay Wisconsin heading south to Hong Kong buffet to get some general Tsao's chicken, it was their midnight special. The town was empty like usual at that hour, i noticed a man being chased down the street by a little girl. He stumbled on the curb and broke his leg, the girl leaped onto him and bit into his head. I instantly pulled over and walked up with my golf club ready, she sees men and charges, i swing once and she falls. The man was bleeding a lot so I helped him into my back seat and promised him a trip to the ER. He was silent the whole way until exactly 12:00 AM when he grabbed my face from behind and I crashed head on with another car, the man in my backseat was ejected through my windshield but he got up and tried killing me. The other driver happened to be Alex Orsted and thankfully he was packing his 500 magnum, he put a basketball sized whole in the man and gave me a .22 for defense. I questioned with fear "what is going on here?!" He replied heroically saying "The apocalypse is here they call me Mr. Omally. We need to get to Sturgeon Bay and put up the bridges."
Chapter 2
It was Friday on December 21, 2012 at 1:00 AM. We were at Hong Kong getting food and we had yet to see any zombies. Then his car alarm went off and we heard a loud scream in the distance. As it got closer we barricaded the windows and went to the roof, there was a mounted turret their and a RPG. Alex began slaughtering them as I blew up cars to slow them down, they began overrunning us when a helicopter came down and crashed into the horde of zombies. Most of them were wiped out so we ran to the downed chopper. We pulled out the pilot and he was unconscious, he was air force and his tags read Sgt. Bryan Dahlie. We put him into a pick up truck and headed towards the bridges, Sgt. Dahlie woke up and warned us of a nuclear strike on door county and to get out. We gunned it through down town going 85 MPH hitting zombies and dodging wreckage. The military already had the idea to put up the bridges, they were opening as we sped up and jumped the gap. We flipped  five times and we were all flung out of the vehicle just before it exploded. Two helicopters came to evacuate us and we all got in. The helicopter beside us took off slowly and zombies grabbed onto it and threw off its weight causing a tale spin, they crashed into us and we went down. On the wrong side of the bridge, we were trapped on the island of the dead. We armed ourselves and had a final stand in Hong Kong, we killed thousands of zombies but one importunately bit me and Orsted did the honorary thing by ending my misery. He and Dahlie escaped to the Ephraim air port and found a bi-plane, they escaped to Canada. I was left lying on top of a time bomb, zombies swarmed me and I exploded taking them all down with me.


Friday, December 14, 2012


This just occurred this morning, a gunman came into Sandy Hook elementary school and started shooting, so far their has been a reported 27 children and adults dead. A witness says he went into the halls with two others and is the only one who came back. Seven minutes ago i discovered that the shooter is Ryan Lanza and he is in his 20's. Most of the fatalities are reported as children attending the school. This all i know so far so i can't make this any longer.

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Patriot Missiles to the Turks

The US and Germany have started sending patriot missiles to the Turkey-Syria border as a warning to president al-Assad. This will prevent any of the fighting from spilling into Turkey and causing even more chaos. "We can't spend a whole lot of time worrying about whether that pisses off Syria." Said Leon Panetta the US secretary of defense. Even though we have our missiles on his door step al-Assad shows no sign of letting up or stopping this war. The US has two patriot missile batteries and 400 US soldiers to operate them and defend. They hope this will help end all of Syria's crisis.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Egypt Protest

Tens of thousands of people gathered outside the presidential palace in Cairo, Egypt due to Islamist president Mohammed Morsi's seizure of nearly unlimited power. Police fired tear gas into crowds to hold back protesters gaining ground on the palace, the president escaped home through a back exit while crowds grew bigger. The crowds pushed over a fence to provoke the gas but now they are closer to the palace, the police weren't doing much else to stop them. Also protesters hijacked a armored police van which they used to wave flags on top of it. In a another city called Alexandria 10,000 people rallied chanting slogans about their president and his fundamentalist group; the Muslim brotherhood. The reason for the protests is because Morsi was passing a draft charter stating that he will have sweeping power over the judicial branch giving him overwhelming power.
There were 200,000 protestors in Cairo alone, their goal was to have the president take back the draft charter. They believe that this is the last warning or else the palace will be stormed.

Thursday, November 29, 2012


Overall the Syrian civil war conflict claimed tens of thousands of civilian and military personnel. The country is in turmoil and people don't have homes, this blog is not about a specific event but instead is about the country and its people. The civilians want nothing more than freedom and maybe even some democracy, the Syrian government wants to stay corrupt and will murder more and more people until they are too afraid to question them. Don't get me wrong, the civilians murder people on the other side too but they are purely defending their families, rights, and their freedom. You don't see as much about Syria in the news anymore for some reason, i believe this is like this because of the Syrian government restricting media and not letting people know exactly how many people are killed or how they bombard villages. Many see the civilians as terrorists but people with a right mind will see that they are rebels or freedom fighters.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


So i'm sure most of you are unaware of the events that recently occurred between the country of Israel and the country of Iran. So they are basically mortal enemies with each other and if Iran had its way there would be no Israel and if Israel had its way Iran wouldn't exist. Iran somewhat feels powerless since the US granted Israel with nuclear arms, Iran can't get nuclear arms because of international laws. They feel threatned by their rival so they started taking action so Israel was faced with the choice of retaliating and possibly be destroyed or not and still possibly be destroyed. Iran has been accused of developing nuclear arms but inspections prove other wise and Israel wants to attack them to stop their attempts. Israel wants to be the only middle eastern country with nuclear weapons so they want to maintain their title.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Inflamed Protests

Self-immolation or the act of lighting ones self on fire. This is commonly used as protests against communist China by Tibetan monks who feel their religion is at stake. Eight self-immolation have occurred within a week  and the Chinese government blames the Dalai Lama. The Dalai Lama blames the Chinese government, I would have to agree with him, the Chinese government opposes anyone trying to change in any way. They believe the Tibetans support Japan who China is having a territorial dispute with. With tight restrictions on religion the Tibetans would rather die then meet the policies China assigns.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Syrian Genocide!

"What is happening in Syria is not a civil war but a genocide  a war of extermination with a licence to kill by the Syrian government and the international community." The emir of Qatar said to the official Qatar news agency. His reason for this remark is because of a four day cease fire that failed to come into action during a Muslim holiday, this left hundreds dead. The Syrian government promised to only fight if there is opposition on the ground, unfortunately a civilian was in the wrong place at the wrong time with his gun and this started another shoot out favoring the Syrian forces. A group who record all of the casualties announced 407 were killed during the "cease-fire." According to Syrian officials 61 people died during the fight.

And just so you know how things are looking for the civilians fighting for their lives;
Total fatalities: 34,913
Syrian forces fatalities: 2,900
8%Civilian "forces" fatalities: 32,013 <This is genocide!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Syrian affect on Lebanon

When you think of the Syrian civil war you think of Syria, but with recent violent protests in countries such as  Lebanon people have noticed that the war seems to be spreading. Supporters of Wissam al-Hassan (the head of Lebanese intelligence) say the Syrian government was responsible for a car bomb attack that killed Wissam and his bodyguard, their reason for this attack is Wissam was a Sunni who challenged Syria and its very powerful Lebanese ally. Enraged by his death anti-Asssad (Syrian Leader) protesters tried to storm government buildings but were pushed back by soldiers.

On the streets of Lebanon troops had armored personnel carriers (APCs) with heavy machine guns to stop the protests, they began exchanging gunfire with Sunni gunmen. "If there is more violence that is linked to Syria, that fuels fear that Lebanon could descend once again into violence." This really made me see how war in one country could cause another to descend into a violent state. Some even say Lebanon might join in the Syrian civil war which would not be good for freedom in these countries.;catDoorHero

What the riots in Lebanon look like.;catDoorHero

Monday, October 15, 2012

Rebels will do anything for help

A questionable rebel jihad group who are believed to have ties to al Qaeda fought along side the Syrian rebels to seize a government missile defense base in Syria on Friday, activists said. The rebels seized the base on Friday night, the rebels don't seem to be alone though, the Al Qaeda and jihad forces seem to be playing a major role in the Syrian rebels weapons and helping them capture government sites to gain power. The reason they are trying to focus on air bases is because planes and helicopters are two of few things that the rebels can't do anything about, the only thing they can do is taking bases to minimize government air assaults on Syrian villages. The problems that the villagers face is since the rebels don't have an anti-air force they have to accept the Syrian president or have their homes burned to the ground.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Syrian Chemical Weapons

The US has recently discovered that Syrian forces are in possession of a chemical weapon stockpile. The rebels have been focusing much of their strength on capturing these locations to obtain the weapons of destruction. US special forces have been monitoring these sites in order to prevent anything bad that could happen if the weapons became active. Even though we are aiding the rebels, it would be catastrophic if they got a hold of the weapons because they are extremists and will use them on government controlled cities to help their cause but it would kill thousands. if the weapons were to be used then the US and Jordan would launch a swift and precise military attack, the Syrian president understands this which makes this situation risky.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Syrian car bombings

An attack was launched in Aleppo's Saadallah Al-Jabiri square this morning in Syria. The attack involved 3 car bombs targeting several Syrian government officials. 40 people are dead and 90 are injured most of the casualties were civilians according to the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights, the opposition group said most were government officials, we don't exactly know who is telling the truth. The Syrian state-run TV aired footage and claimed 25 were dead and 75 injured.

A fourth car bomb was detonated at the Aleppo's chamber of commerce, the blasts focus around Aleppo because it is a very large city and a commercial hub, this city has somewhat become a battle ground between  government forces and the "rebels." The city helps President al-Assad's financial gain and if the rebels were to take over the entire city it would destroy 4 decades of al-Assad family rule. Since the uprising began in March 2011 over 28,000 people total have lost their lives.

As you would imagine many are left without homes, this has caused a major refugee problem for countries aiding them. over 300,000 people are registered refugees and Turkey is doing all they can to get materials to make tents but can't help all of them so the UK decided to go to Turkey and help with the problem.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Life for education

You probably know that education for women is questioned in most middle eastern countries. After a chain of recent attacks on hospitals and schools many children have been staying away from school, however a group of Afghan girls have been going to school any way and risking their lives.

The most dangerous part for them is the walk to school because many girls have been direct targets of acid attacks, poisonings, and precision bombings. Even though all of these things have been happening the number of children attending school since 2002 has gone from less than a million to 8.2 million. The there are groups dedicated completely to preventing women from going to get an education at any means necessary.

This video is graphic and do not recommend showing it in class but it's your call.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Colombian Drug Lord captured

One of the last great crime bosses has been captured by authorities in San Cristobal, Venezuela Tuesday night. The boss Daniel Barrera AKA "El Loco" is one of the biggest drug lords in the Columbia and was discovered to be in alliance with paramilitaries and the revolutionary armed forces of Columbia gorilla group for over 20 years. "He is one of the last crime bosses, this is a very forceful blow," said Columbian president Santos in televised remarks. "This is a very important step toward the security we want to achieve in this country," he continued.

The nations who helped capture Barrera were; the British, Columbia, the US, and Venezuela. Santos gave special thanks to Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez, the CIA, and M16 British intelligence.

Along with his capture authorities discovered a total of 46 million euros in two of his houses alone. Being one of the biggest drug trafficker in the world the Colombian government offered $2.5 million reward for information leading to his capture. Barrera received life in prison with no chance of parole.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Taliban seduces Australian soldiers on the web

This is somewhat interesting, i read that Taliban soldiers have actually been using Facebook and posing as you cute girls and befriending Australian forces to find out locations and other important details. Thinking they were talking to a girl they would disclose where their next mission is, who they will be with and sometimes specific details regarding what vehicles and weapons they will be using. Soldiers would brag about ranks and other things that would help the Taliban find out which certain people need to die first. The biggest problem is soldiers using smart phones that has geotags that let their "hot young girlfriends" to know where they will be and to help the Taliban have a large advantage on the. The Taliban have been decoding pictures and gaining important information that they have been selling globally.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Bloodshed increases greatly in Syria

According to what UNICEF's spokesman said this past week has been the bloodiest of all, 5,000 people (rebels and civilians) died in August alone and 1,600 in the past week. The Syrian government is responsible for a massacre of 35 civilians including children in Al Fan in the Hama province at one time. The "reason" for this massacre was a "terrorist" group was said to have been in the area and the government forces wanted to find them and kill them. Also the Syrian government is not allowing CNN to cover the civil war for undisclosed reasons. 3 airforce bases are being used by Syrian forces to kill civilians, a rebel force managed to launch a succesful 11 day siege on one to prevent further murder of civilians.