Monday, December 17, 2012

The walking undead

Chapter 1
It was Thursday on December 20 11:30 PM. I was driving through Sister Bay Wisconsin heading south to Hong Kong buffet to get some general Tsao's chicken, it was their midnight special. The town was empty like usual at that hour, i noticed a man being chased down the street by a little girl. He stumbled on the curb and broke his leg, the girl leaped onto him and bit into his head. I instantly pulled over and walked up with my golf club ready, she sees men and charges, i swing once and she falls. The man was bleeding a lot so I helped him into my back seat and promised him a trip to the ER. He was silent the whole way until exactly 12:00 AM when he grabbed my face from behind and I crashed head on with another car, the man in my backseat was ejected through my windshield but he got up and tried killing me. The other driver happened to be Alex Orsted and thankfully he was packing his 500 magnum, he put a basketball sized whole in the man and gave me a .22 for defense. I questioned with fear "what is going on here?!" He replied heroically saying "The apocalypse is here they call me Mr. Omally. We need to get to Sturgeon Bay and put up the bridges."
Chapter 2
It was Friday on December 21, 2012 at 1:00 AM. We were at Hong Kong getting food and we had yet to see any zombies. Then his car alarm went off and we heard a loud scream in the distance. As it got closer we barricaded the windows and went to the roof, there was a mounted turret their and a RPG. Alex began slaughtering them as I blew up cars to slow them down, they began overrunning us when a helicopter came down and crashed into the horde of zombies. Most of them were wiped out so we ran to the downed chopper. We pulled out the pilot and he was unconscious, he was air force and his tags read Sgt. Bryan Dahlie. We put him into a pick up truck and headed towards the bridges, Sgt. Dahlie woke up and warned us of a nuclear strike on door county and to get out. We gunned it through down town going 85 MPH hitting zombies and dodging wreckage. The military already had the idea to put up the bridges, they were opening as we sped up and jumped the gap. We flipped  five times and we were all flung out of the vehicle just before it exploded. Two helicopters came to evacuate us and we all got in. The helicopter beside us took off slowly and zombies grabbed onto it and threw off its weight causing a tale spin, they crashed into us and we went down. On the wrong side of the bridge, we were trapped on the island of the dead. We armed ourselves and had a final stand in Hong Kong, we killed thousands of zombies but one importunately bit me and Orsted did the honorary thing by ending my misery. He and Dahlie escaped to the Ephraim air port and found a bi-plane, they escaped to Canada. I was left lying on top of a time bomb, zombies swarmed me and I exploded taking them all down with me.


Friday, December 14, 2012


This just occurred this morning, a gunman came into Sandy Hook elementary school and started shooting, so far their has been a reported 27 children and adults dead. A witness says he went into the halls with two others and is the only one who came back. Seven minutes ago i discovered that the shooter is Ryan Lanza and he is in his 20's. Most of the fatalities are reported as children attending the school. This all i know so far so i can't make this any longer.

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Patriot Missiles to the Turks

The US and Germany have started sending patriot missiles to the Turkey-Syria border as a warning to president al-Assad. This will prevent any of the fighting from spilling into Turkey and causing even more chaos. "We can't spend a whole lot of time worrying about whether that pisses off Syria." Said Leon Panetta the US secretary of defense. Even though we have our missiles on his door step al-Assad shows no sign of letting up or stopping this war. The US has two patriot missile batteries and 400 US soldiers to operate them and defend. They hope this will help end all of Syria's crisis.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Egypt Protest

Tens of thousands of people gathered outside the presidential palace in Cairo, Egypt due to Islamist president Mohammed Morsi's seizure of nearly unlimited power. Police fired tear gas into crowds to hold back protesters gaining ground on the palace, the president escaped home through a back exit while crowds grew bigger. The crowds pushed over a fence to provoke the gas but now they are closer to the palace, the police weren't doing much else to stop them. Also protesters hijacked a armored police van which they used to wave flags on top of it. In a another city called Alexandria 10,000 people rallied chanting slogans about their president and his fundamentalist group; the Muslim brotherhood. The reason for the protests is because Morsi was passing a draft charter stating that he will have sweeping power over the judicial branch giving him overwhelming power.
There were 200,000 protestors in Cairo alone, their goal was to have the president take back the draft charter. They believe that this is the last warning or else the palace will be stormed.