Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Bryan "The Nigerian Nightmare" Dahlie

A determined young UFC fighter named "The Nigerian Nightmare" is scheduled to have an unorthodox fight to the death against Collin "Bazooka" Massad on top of a flying boxing ring above MT. Killamanjaro on April 1st 2013. The Nightmare will be using the fighting style known as a baseball bat with nails in it and Bazooka will be using his infamous sharpened screw driver and a pool ball in a sock. This fight will be EPIC.

They met in the center of the ring and then touched gloves once the bell went ding. Dahlie then removed his gloves and hit Massad with his bat and then hits him with a sucker punch left and a sucker punch right and then 22 consecutive sucker punch rights. He tore off his arm and beat him with it and he threw acid in his face which obscured his vision. He kicked him in the leg and shattered his shin and bone shards flew onto some kids, they yelled out "MORE!!" and Dahlie abliged as he punched his nose bone into his brain. He was quivering and twitching as he soiled his shorts then the doctors came out and pronounced me dead and that was the time The Titan faught the boulder.

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